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Testing Grids


Generic grid

  • Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum
  • Donec vitae suscipit est
  • Nulla tempor lobortis orci
  1. Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum
  2. Donec vitae suscipit est
  3. Nulla tempor lobortis orci
Content tabs
=== "Unordered list"

    * Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum
    * Donec vitae suscipit est
    * Nulla tempor lobortis orci

=== "Ordered list"

    1. Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum
    2. Donec vitae suscipit est
    3. Nulla tempor lobortis orci

Card Grids

List Syntax

  • HTML for content and structure
  • JavaScript for interactivity
  • CSS for text running out of boxes
  • Internet Explorer ... huh?


  • Set up in 5 minutes

    Install mkdocs-material with pip and get up and running in minutes

    Getting started

  • It's just Markdown

    Focus on your content and generate a responsive and searchable static site


  • Made to measure

    Change the colors, fonts, language, icons, logo and more with a few lines


  • Open Source, MIT

    Material for MkDocs is licensed under MIT and available on [GitHub]


Block GRids

Meshed w oth elements

HTML for content and structure

JavaScript for interactivity

CSS for text running out of boxes

Internet Explorer ... huh?