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Output Options


JavaScript Output Options

Update innerHTML

getElementById(id="targetElementID") method

  • defines where in the doc to put 'content'

innerHTML property

  • defines HTML content for the update
document.getElementById(id="targetElement").innerHTML = 'content'

HTML Output

document.write() Method

  • writes to HTML doc, to build page

  • if a doc is already loaded, it is replaced

Alert Box

window.alert() Method

  • Launches a pop-up window w msg
alert("Changes Saved!);
  • Default global scope object is window
  • Vars, props, and methods belong to window object by default
  • window optional


ErrorMsg = "Error: File: ${scriptfile}, Function: myfunctionName ";
ErrorMsg += "Msg: dB not connecting, dB Error $(dberror)";

window.print() Method

  • Launches system print IF
<button onclick="window.print()">Print this Page</button>
