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How to Use JavaScript



Embedded in head or body elememt
  // Logic


External File Link in head or body element
<script src="path/to/global.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/section.js"></script>


  • end in semicolon
  • whitespaces ignored
  • can put multiple statments on a single line
  • statements can span lines

Execution Context

Memory Allocation Phase

Functs and vars get stored into mem as key-val pairs

Code Execution Phase

Thread of execution, whereby vals of functs and vars are updated in order

When a function is called, a new Execution Context is created inside the calling execution context.

Parsing Order

  • HTML file is parsed until it hits <script> tag
  • Parsing is paused until script is fetched and executed.
  • JS files are executed in order of appearance in the doc.

async Attrib

<script src="script.js" async>
  • js file is downloaded at same time as HTML parsing.
  • When file is finished downloading, HTML parsing is paused until code is executed.

defer Attrib

<script src="script.js" defer>
  • file is download during HTML parsing
  • file executes post parsing
  • deferred scripts execute in order of appearance
