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Linux Dev Env


Install Linux Dev Env on ChromOS Host

Install LDE

Turn on Developer Mode

Install Crouton

  1. Download Crouton.
  2. Restart device.
  3. Ctrl-D on Developer Mode screen.
  4. Ctrl-Alt-T, when screen updates, then Enter to open ChromeOS terminal.
  5. Enter shell:

    crosh> shell

  6. Make executable:

    chronos@localhost / $ sudo install -Dt /usr/local/bin -m 755 \ ~/Downloads/crouton

  7. Pull the Trigger

    chronos@localhost / $ sudo crouton -t touch,[xfce|lxde|kde]

  8. Desktop

    chronos@localhost / $ sudo cruton -t [xfce|lxde|kde]

  9. Provide password.

Enter Distro

  1. Ctrl-D to turn OS Verif off.
  2. Ctrl-Alt-T for terminal.
  3. crosh>shell
  4. sudo enter-chroot start[xfce|lxde|kde]

ChromeOS/LDE Hot Switch

arm arch: Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Fwd/Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Back

intel arch: Ctrl-alt-Fwd/Ctrl-Alt-Back [then Ctrl-Alt-Refersh on some devices]



  1. sudo vim /etc/hostname # Not $ sudo hostname
  2. Shutdown linux
  3. Reboot device

Add Local Ntwk Hosts
