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Linux Desktop


Install and configure Linux desktop on Win11

Install Distro

Install Distro from M$tore, then:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Block ACPI

Block ACPI features from being installed.

sudo apt-mark hold acpid acpi-support

Install Desktop

sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies gdm3 xwayland nautilus

Run desktop

pkill Xwayland; Xwayland :1 & xw_pid=$!; WAYLAND_DISPLAY= DISPLAY=:1 dbus-launch startxfce4; kill $xw_pid

Ref: Easiest WSL2 Desktop Setup Possible

Config Dev Env

Install Chrome

Firefox broken on Ubuntu WSL2.

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

If errors during install:

sudo apt -f install

If gnome-terminal Throws Errors

wsl --update --pre-release

Non-Desktop Fix

If session won't start, enable lxdm.


For WSL2 hosts, do not install VSCode in linux. Or better yet, avoid the WinMill🤑 completely. 😐
