Remote Sources
Using Remote Sources for Content Module
Sample @@/nuxt.config.ts
config for a GitHub @Nuxt/Content
public repo:
content: {
documentDriven: true,
// Ignore "Number Dot" ordering in /content
ignores: ['^\\.', '^-', '^[0-5]\\d*\\.'],
sources: {
github: {
prefix: '/remote-docs', // Route prefix for remote contents
driver: 'github', // Unstorage driver
repo: "annebrown/repo-name",
branch: "main",
dir: "content", // Dir in external repo where contents are located.
To publish changes, each client built using this remote source must be redeployed on the cloud-provider host.
Added Costs
Using or adding a remote content source won't significantly impact costs.
Pricing is based on BW, serverless function execution, and build minutes, rather than on the source of the content.
Dev Builds
No extra costs for dev builds when using public repo for content.
Prod Builds
Build Time
Vercel fetches content from public repo during build process, so incurs no additional costs beyond normal Vercel build usage.
No additional costs at runtime. Content fetched and built into static pages during build process.
Content fetched at runtime. Edge Network optimizes and caches content. Actual cost impact depends on usage patterns, like update freq and number of received requests.
Use caching strategies to minimize repeated requests to remove content source.
Local Dev
Clone External Sources
Config nuxt.config.ts
to access the locally cloned content repo:
local: {
prefix: '/local', // Prefix for routes
driver: 'fs',
base: resolve(__dirname, '/path/to/repo/content'),
This allows for viewing modifications to the content, without waiting for the published app to re-deploy and rebuild it's /content cache. As well, this reduces hosting costs as pricing is based on BW, serverless function execution, and build minutes.
Developer Experience
Local styling/layout, auth and other non-content mods can be v slow to render, even with relatively small /content
@Nuxt/content watcher
is a dev feature used to control content watching for HMR.
See watch for details on how to temporarily toggle the dev server to only use cached content.
Copyright @ 2024 Anne Brown