Persist Navi Tree
Maintain Navi Tree State
On first load, default layout /layouts/default.vue
invokes NaviNavigation.vue
to render expandable navigation tree. On navigation to another route in the tree, page is displayed but content for navi tree element disappears.
Persists navi tree state (with exact expanded and collapsed subtrees) across route changes.
useState Composable
Manage navi state - @/composables/useNavigationState.ts
import { useState } from '#app'
export const useNavigationState = () => useState('navigation', () => ({
expandedItems: [] as string[]
Modify your NaviNavigation.vue component to use this state:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, ref, watch } from 'vue'
const { data: navigation } = await useAsyncData('navigation', () => fetchContentNavigation())
const expandedItems = useState('expandedItems', () => new Set())
const route = useRoute()
const organizedNavigation = computed(() => {
if (!navigation.value) return []
const items = [...navigation.value]
const index = items.find(item => item._path === '/index' || item._path === '/')
if (index) {
const indexIndex = items.indexOf(index)
items.splice(indexIndex, 1)
// Make the index item expandable and contain all other items
index.children = items
return [index]
return items
const uniqueRoutes = new Set()
const filterDuplicateRoutes = (items) => {
return items.filter(item => {
if (uniqueRoutes.has(item._path)) {
return false
if (item.children) {
item.children = filterDuplicateRoutes(item.children)
return true
const filteredNavigation = computed(() => filterDuplicateRoutes(organizedNavigation.value))
// Function to expand all parent items of the current route
const expandCurrentRoute = (items, path) => {
for (const item of items) {
if (path.startsWith(item._path)) {
if (item.children) {
expandCurrentRoute(item.children, path)
// Watch for route changes and expand the current route
watch(() => route.path, (newPath) => {
expandCurrentRoute(filteredNavigation.value, newPath)
}, { immediate: true })
<nav class="text-xs pb-2">
<ul class="navigation-tree">
v-for="item in filteredNavigation"
<style scoped>
.navigation-tree {
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
Copyright @ 2024 Anne Brown